Friday, April 29, 2011

Mousy Wousy and Easter Fun....

It has been a while since I have posted...a combination of the computer throwing in the towel and going away for a little Easter mini-break means that I haven't been on the computer for a while. Computer has come home from the hospital and all is well!!
I haven't got any really amazing things created over the last few weeks, other than something really cute. (I do have some great stuff in the pipeline, but they are bigger projects, hence they are taking their sweet time!) I made these cute little mouse ears on a crochet headband for my niece Indianna. I decided to name them "Mousy Wousy"..Im a stickler for a good rhyme. I have a selection of animals ears...Beary Bear is completed and soon to come will be Kitty Cat, Piggy Wiggy, Monkey Play, Puppy Woof, Runny Bunny and Bambi Do. They are going to me mega cute. Either to be used for play time or accessories for photos, they are fun and easy. My neice and nephews loved them!
How cute!!!!! 

Side view. The ears are stuffed with toy stuffing, makes them sit up a bit better. The kids think I need to add a "squeezy" toy in the ears so it makes a noise whenever someone squeezes it...

A tied bubba but happy to pose for photos...

We also had a lovely time away with the family for the long 5 day weekend and I thought I might post a few pics...

The most lovely place....view from the top of Tomaree mountain

The family hits the dunes for some 4WDing

Posing near the shipwreck on Stockton Beach

Tin City...people who live on the sand dunes..crazy!!!

Home in the middle of nowhere...

Fun hanging out with beautiful nieces...
Playing with little ones in the sand..

Hooking into one of your easter eggs in the corner..

Getting caught!!

All in all an restful and fun time away.
Hope to be back sooner rather than later with some exciting projects to show!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dino Kids!

As you have probably guessed, I LOVE making stuff for little girls...there are sooo many options and all so cute as well. After lavishing my nieces with lots of cute stuff, it was time for the nephews to get a go too. My nephew Nate (who is the sweetest, but also coolest, little guy ever) needed a hat. I got to creating and came up with what I am calling "Dino Boy" are some pics...

Nephew Ryley..beautiful eyed boy!

A boy's boy...Nate, but also so loving and kind!

Ok so you have seen the front view of the hat. I made it with a size 5.00mm hook, and a combo yarn of merino and wool. It has a nice soft cosy feel but also fairly durable, and most importantly for little people, it can be washed!

back view..cute little dino "spikes". The kids LOVED this hat. They all fought over it and wanted to wear it..(I bet you can guess what I now have on the list to make multiples of!)

I love the back view, it is mega cute!!!

It was done in a bit of a rush, so for the trained eye, excuse the mistakes! I didn't want to wait till I finished another one before I put the post up. The kids were having so much fun playing together as cousins, I decided to put them up!
Not to be outdone, the girls all needed to have a go at the hat too..I had to put in some of was way too big on the girls, but they still looked cute!

Wearing the hat gives you immediate licence to roar like a dinosaur and chase your cousins in the attempt to "scare" them, as only dinosaurs too. That's good enough for me!

All is well here in our house, winter is fast approaching here in the mountains, the ugg boots and hoodie's had made their first appearance!. We are counting down to our annual Easter holiday and looking forward to a great month in May. 


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bunnies and Bows

This week has seen my crochet hook VERY busy with lots of cute-as-a-button projects...luckily for me I have some seriously adorable nieces that are happy (mostly..) to do a little posing and model my creations. This in turn has seen a few late nights and early mornings, but when I saw the creations modelled, all those late nights were worth it!

On top of getting new projects finished, I have been flat out filling orders that have been pouring in for the rattles and hats mostly. Thankyou to everyone that has bought some! It is always so lovely to see people supporting handmade, natural gifts and toys.

Ok, now to the cute pics...Although, make sure you read the whole post, I have saved my favourite project for last!

I love this sweet little hat.. (excuse the arrowroot biscuit..the girl named her price for the model shoot!)

different version of the flower on the hat..I love this coral colour!

How cute is she!!!

These cute little headbands are made from 100% cotton and 100% Aussie wool. I think the oversize of the bow makes them so sweet...

Happy as a pig in mud playing peek-a-boo!

One of my "Pearls and Lace" collection..I love this kid. She makes me laugh so much, but she is the sweetest thing on the planet!

This is a special project especially for Easter..who could resist this cute little bunny??

The view from behind is just as cute!!!!!

Love the little bunny on the tights too!

How can you resist this much cuteness!!!!!!!!

That's about it for me to crochet up some more adorable bunnies!


Monday, April 4, 2011

Getting to Know You....

We have had the most relaxing and wonderful weekend, hence the reason I am late with my blog post! I have some new cute-as-anything finished projects to show you, but I am still getting the photos finished so I thought I would do a new mini-post while I am sorting out the "proper post"!

I was flicking through one of my favourite blogs, Luvin The Mommyhood, and she had posted a cute little "Get to know you type of questionaire.." I normally can't be bothered with this type of thing, but I thought this one was great!

Here we go...

Making : a very cute “Bunny” ears beanie for Easter..
Cooking : casserole for dinner..
Drinking : a hot cup of tea
Reading: “Multiple Blessings” story about the woman who had sextuplets..yikes!
Wanting: a new camera…hubs has promised me a fang-dangled one for the big 33!
Looking: at the late afternoon sun streaming onto my front yard
Playing: hide and seek with the kids at work today
Wasting: time on facebook (why do I do it????)
Sewing: ruffled bloomers to go with the baby dress I finished last week
Wishing: Easter holidays would come quick
Enjoying: that I got to go home from work 2 hours early today! 
Waiting:for the next step on hubs and I’s latest venture…
Liking: the lovely home I live in..
Wondering: if the washing I just bothered to hang out is going to dry
Loving: my big family..
Hoping: that I can decide what colour to paint the bedrooms..
Marvelling: at how quickly time it really already April?
Needing: a new pair of winter books
Smelling: the vase of flowers next to me..
Wearing: American baseball jumper and easy fit pants
Following: too many blogs!
Noticing: that the leaves are starting to turn red..
Knowing: that I am blessed in more ways than I can imagine.
Thinking: of how excited I am for the annual family holiday at Easter
Bookmarking: too many knitting projects
Opening: my current assessment..I wish it would do it itself!
Giggling: over the babies at work today.. soooo cute!
Feeling: relaxed

Would love it if some of you wanted to do this and leave me a comment, linking to your questionaire.

I also thought I would post a few quick picks I took while we were away this weekend..we went to the village of Hill End, which is an old mining town and now zoned as a historic town. It is absolutely beautiful...nice and quiet and oh-so-relaxing....

I will be back mid week to post what I really wanted to post today! 
Have a great week!!!