I have one of those all too familiar Sunday night feelings. After a relaxing nana nap on the lounge this afternoon, then a delicious roast dinner especially cooked by hubs, I am now relaxing on the lounge..A feeling of slight dread comes over me and then it hits....the weekend is over! Why do the weekends go so fast and the weeks go so slllooooowwwww..??? age old question that will never be answered I think!!!
We have had a busy weekend here but I found time to finish up these cute sailboat rattles!
I decided to add the ribbons for a sensory affect...I triple triple stitched them in!!
Cute aren't they??? They are super easy to make so I have a few more in different shades of orange, blue, red and yellow. I also found a vintage sailboat embroided motif at a market yesterday which I might stitch onto the front of one.
I added a flat circular rattle inside them so it makes a great rattle sound but it is also a soft and cuddly toy without having to feel the rattle if it gets squeezed.
On the most recent long weekend I was privileged to be part of a Art Exhibition in our local area focusing on Art and Textile items. I had a few pieces go in that I had made and was overwhelmed at the amount of people that were there on the opening night. It is so great to see the local creative talent of so many people celebrated. I am part of
Springwood Creative Arts Centre, which was started some 30 years ago to help the community recover from the ravaging effects of summer bushfires. Creativity is well documented to help people recover from tragedy and cope with difficult situations in life. I was so proud to be part of such a thriving community organisation. I took a few pics on the night...
The little kids clothes are some I made..excuse the slightly dopey look on my face, I had day surgery earlier on in the day and was still wayyyy too sleepy to be out in public!
I love this edging, it was so beautifully done...
There was so many more to look at, I will post some of the art at a later time.
Have a good week, hubs and I are off on a beach getaway this week, so we are MEGA excited! Only 4 days of work left!