Sunday, September 18, 2011

Meet Donkey!!!

Hi there friends! This week has been full on and pretty tough. There seems to be bad news everywhere amongst my friends and work mates and my heart truly breaks for all that is going on to the beautiful people in my life. In these times I am reminded that we need to stop and "smell the roses" for want of a better word...Take the time to really tell our loved ones just how much we love them (hubs is really getting over me telling him I'm sure!! hehe) and pause to look around at the beauty of our lives everyday. Anyhow.....enough of my little soapbox. This week, everytime I look at the finished project I am going to show you, I smile. How could you not love this little guy??????????

This is the cute little donkey I had been slowly working on over the last few Wednesday nights at my sewing group...

Please focus on his cuteness and ignore the fact that I got too lazy to line up his nose!!!! Makes him more endearing I think!!

I love his wild black mane....

His oversized ears! I also love the cute fabric I chose for his ears and contrasts..

And to top it all off, he has a cute little tail!!!

Don't you just love him!!!! I do too. 

Have a good week all!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Introducing Polly!!

Before I show you what I wanted to today, I firstly wanted to mention that today is the 10th anniversary for 9/11. I have so much respect for those that lost their lives trying to save the lives of others and pause to remember those that are still grieving for family members lost today. My heart goes out to all that lost someone and still misses someone today.

It seems somehow "not right" to just move on and talk about my latest sewing project in light of the above picture doesn't it?? Suffice to say that I hope everyone found time to pause, even for a minute, and reflect on the courageous men and women who really gave everything on that sad day.

Something to make us all smile...

This is Polly. She's cute.

A smiley, happy face
Stripy stockings with a little love heart..

Waiting to be cuddled and loved by someone special...

Ok, now the facts. I got this design from Nest Studio and tweaked it a little (I don't think I have ever followed a pattern exactly as it says???) Anyway, I wanted something easy peasy that would make me smile and this delivered. This one was my "practice" and I currently have another two nearly finished, one in bright bold colours and another in beautiful pastels. I also made one of them half the size (perfect for toddler hands). 
I also think these cute dolls are good for our "big girls" as decoration in their rooms - especially if made with a vintage print...too cute for words. I want one in my room. I just know what hubs is going to say....

Next week I will hopefully have finished my way-too-cute donkey softie (seriously I am obsessed with donkeys. I have already done the research on keeping and breeding mini donkeys in preparation for when we get our land. Yep. I am serious about donkeys!!! Did you know that mini-donkeys make great family pets and they are especially good with the little people??? See, you learn something new when you read this blog!!)

Ok enough rambling. Have a great week everyone!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Cute Animal Rattles....

When hubs and I were in the city, we went to my all time favourite book shop - Kinokuniya. It is a Japanese book shop that has all the mainstream English books plus a whole area set aside for Japanese books. This is where I find the most beautiful crafting books - sewing, crochet, felting - you name it. I could browse for hours and usually find I have a pile of books I want but need to whittle down for purchase. This time around I purchased a few books and one was a book of cute crochet projects from Ana Paula Rimoli. She is so creative and has so many great ideas. She had a pattern for rattles, so I tweaked it a little, added my own ideas and came up with the cutest little animal rattles...

Starting off with a cute panda...

An inquisitive little bunny...

And this one...well he is a little confused. I originally started him as a bunny but gave him a tiger face..

The rattle is in the head and the ring is used for little fingers to hold..

I made the rings in subtle, matte colours

I also turned the bunny into a pretty girl bunny!

I used some rick rack I bought at the vintage textile fair which I thought was perfect!

Cute as can be waiting for some little people to play!

I hope you like them as much as I do!
