Sunday, September 4, 2011

Cute Animal Rattles....

When hubs and I were in the city, we went to my all time favourite book shop - Kinokuniya. It is a Japanese book shop that has all the mainstream English books plus a whole area set aside for Japanese books. This is where I find the most beautiful crafting books - sewing, crochet, felting - you name it. I could browse for hours and usually find I have a pile of books I want but need to whittle down for purchase. This time around I purchased a few books and one was a book of cute crochet projects from Ana Paula Rimoli. She is so creative and has so many great ideas. She had a pattern for rattles, so I tweaked it a little, added my own ideas and came up with the cutest little animal rattles...

Starting off with a cute panda...

An inquisitive little bunny...

And this one...well he is a little confused. I originally started him as a bunny but gave him a tiger face..

The rattle is in the head and the ring is used for little fingers to hold..

I made the rings in subtle, matte colours

I also turned the bunny into a pretty girl bunny!

I used some rick rack I bought at the vintage textile fair which I thought was perfect!

Cute as can be waiting for some little people to play!

I hope you like them as much as I do!



  1. thanks chicken!!! hopefully the dinos will get a run next...too many fabulous things to make!
