Saturday, November 19, 2011

I'm Back!!!

What a full on couple of weeks it has been!! To start with, I contracted a mild case of shingles (who knows where that came from???) then the computer packed it in, then to top it all off I got a infected wisdom tooth removed - bad move by the dentist - which made me really sick. I am starting to feel somewhat normal now, back to about 60% and hoping to be fully recovered by the end of the week!!

So, after multiple trips to the doctor, a few day off sick from work at a time when I really couldn't be off and a new laptop later, I am back!!! I have been resting most of the weekend, not really able to do too much without totally exhausting myself, hoping to feel much better as I really need to go to work tomorrow.

In spite of all this, I have lots going on in my creative little world! Alot of projects are half-finished at the moment but will hopefully be done in the next 2 weeks. I do have a few things to show you today however!!!

A week or two back, I finished my "Grandma Bunny"....

I wasn't too sure how the embroided glasses would turn out, but I am pretty happy with how "grandma-ish" she looks!

Complete with apron...(I actually cut this bit of fabric from a vintage apron I bought a while ago..)

Tied at the back...

She is so cute don't you think???

I have bought a few pattern books of late and I cannot wait to have the time to get started! My favourite is a Japanese pattern book filled with pages of clothes for women (yes I am actually going to make things for myself!!) and I love every page. This is the book...

It is also the season for my favourite flowers! We have ou first hydrangea blooms!

They aren't the colour they do turn in mid summer - a really beautiful blue but they are a great start!

Here's hoping this week is a better one - and that whatever you are doing, it is filled with memorable moments.

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